East Union Urchins
East Union Urchins
Varsity Boys Cross Country
0-0 Overall • 0-0 League

East Union Boys Cross Country Roster

#PlayersPos 1Pos 2YearHeightWeight
David ComansDavid ComansSr.
Damian Jordan Damian Jordan Sr.
Jonathan  Jordan Jonathan Jordan So.
Hunter KingHunter KingFr.5' 7"115 lbs
Cooper  Lavanway Cooper Lavanway Fr.5' 0"100 lbs
Casen ChismCasen ChismSo.
Cooper  La VanwayCooper La VanwayFr.5' 0"100 lbs
Eli EdwardsEli EdwardsFr.5' 0"100 lbs
Sylas SparksSylas SparksSo.
Tait CaldwellTait Caldwell8t.
Tristain HutchesonTristain HutchesonSo.


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