North Forrest Eagles
North Forrest Eagles
Freshman Girls Basketball
0-0 Overall • 0-0 League

North Forrest Girls Basketball Roster

#PlayersPos 1Pos 2YearHeightWeight
5Nariya  Croom Nariya Croom Fr.
10Skylar BlandSkylar Bland8t.
12Ka’ley MoodyKa’ley MoodyFr.
14Destiny LuciousDestiny Lucious8t.
15Ma Kenzie  GosaMa Kenzie Gosa8t.
22Journey  Jefferson Journey Jefferson 8t.5' 7"119 lbs
23Jiziah  Breland Jiziah Breland 8t.
25Madelyn KnightMadelyn Knight8t.5' 3"114 lbs
32Kourtney HaralsonKourtney Haralson8t.
34Starla KendrickStarla Kendrick8t.5' 5"145 lbs


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