Gautier Gators
Gautier Gators
Junior Varsity Girls Cross Country
0-0 Overall • 0-0 League

Gautier Girls Cross Country Roster

#PlayersPos 1Pos 2YearHeightWeight
Mya CarlisleMya CarlisleSo.
Astrid  Bautista Astrid Bautista Fr.5' 3"115 lbs
Maryjane BynumMaryjane Bynum8t.5' 2"105 lbs
Leiny Pu-MartinezLeiny Pu-MartinezFr.5' 0"115 lbs
Memori LockhartMemori Lockhart8t.
Julianne  Illanne Julianne Illanne 8t.4' 11"97 lbs
Celeste  FloresCeleste Flores8t.
Jena  WellsJena WellsFr.5' 3"107 lbs


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