Pascagoula Panthers
Pascagoula Panthers
Junior Varsity Boys Soccer
1-0 Overall • 0-0 League

Pascagoula Boys Soccer Roster

#PlayersPos 1Pos 2YearHeightWeight
Kenneth  Resto lopez Kenneth Resto lopez Sr.5' 10"160 lbs
Jonathan  Shelby jrJonathan Shelby jrSo.5' 9"175 lbs
Ke'aundre ChestangKe'aundre ChestangSo.5' 7"140 lbs
Kevin SierraKevin SierraFr.5' 8"260 lbs
Jacob  Pastor Jacob Pastor Fr.5' 8"135 lbs
Nixon MurrayNixon MurrayJr.5' 8"145 lbs


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