Belmont Cardinals
Belmont Cardinals
Freshman Softball
0-0 Overall • 0-0 League

Belmont Softball Roster

#PlayersPos 1Pos 2YearHeightWeight
Lilly SparksLilly SparksSo.5' 6"118 lbs
Zoe NewmanZoe NewmanFr.5' 7"130 lbs
Alannah  Storment Alannah Storment Fr.5' 6"115 lbs
Gracie BlairGracie Blair8t.5' 5"160 lbs
Jade HughesJade Hughes8t.5' 3"163 lbs
Kiley CainKiley Cain8t.5' 2"130 lbs
Avery MasseyAvery MasseyFr.5' 3"165 lbs
Stella Higginbottom lStella Higginbottom lFr.5' 3"115 lbs
Patience LeePatience LeeFr.
Bentleigh BoydBentleigh Boyd8t.5' 0"95 lbs
Zayl MckinneyZayl Mckinney8t.5' 4"123 lbs
Brianna  Taylor Brianna Taylor 8t.


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