
4th Quarter
Game over
Crook County#22 Abigail Barker missed FT 1 of 1 and 1
Madras#15 NOALANI HARRY personal foul
Madras#30 Alexa Martinez enters the game
Madras#24 Matty Buck personal foul
Madras#24 Matty Buck personal foul
30 seconds left
Crook CountyCROO full timeout
MadrasMADR 30 second timeout
Crook County#22 Abigail Barker made 2pt FG
2 minutes left
Crook County#25 Martina Zandio made FT 2 of 2
Crook County#25 Martina Zandio missed FT 1 of 2
Madras#24 Matty Buck personal foul
Crook CountyCROO 30 second timeout
Madras#5 NATALIA TEWEE goes to the bench
Madras#15 NOALANI HARRY enters the game
Madras#33 Amissa Anderson goes to the bench
Madras#12 SIMYAN DAVID enters the game
Madras#5 NATALIA TEWEE made 2pt FG
Crook County#3 TAYLOR Joyce missed FT 1 of 1
Madras#33 Amissa Anderson personal foul
Crook County#3 TAYLOR Joyce made 2pt FG
MadrasMADR full timeout
Crook County#25 Martina Zandio made 3pt FG
Crook County#25 Martina Zandio enters the game
Madras#33 Amissa Anderson made 2pt FG
Crook County#35 Emma Bates goes to the bench
Madras#33 Amissa Anderson made FT 2 of 2
Madras#33 Amissa Anderson missed FT 1 of 2
Madras#15 NOALANI HARRY goes to the bench
Madras#11 EMILY KING enters the game
Crook County#13 McKenzie Jonas personal foul
Madras#33 Amissa Anderson enters the game
Madras#30 Alexa Martinez goes to the bench
Madras#12 SIMYAN DAVID goes to the bench
Madras#32 Shantelle Henry enters the game
Crook County#25 Martina Zandio goes to the bench
Crook County#22 Abigail Barker enters the game
Madras#15 NOALANI HARRY enters the game
Crook County#3 TAYLOR Joyce enters the game
Crook County#13 McKenzie Jonas enters the game
Crook County#35 Emma Bates enters the game
Crook County#10 Lauren Papke personal foul
Crook County#10 Lauren Papke enters the game
Madras#12 SIMYAN DAVID enters the game
MadrasMADR possession
Crook CountyCROO jump ball
Madras#30 Alexa Martinez enters the game
Madras#5 NATALIA TEWEE enters the game
Crook County#31 Lakyra Walker goes to the bench
Crook County#25 Martina Zandio enters the game
Crook County#31 Lakyra Walker enters the game
Madras#24 Matty Buck made 2pt FG
Madras#24 Matty Buck enters the game
Crook County#35 Emma Bates goes to the bench
Crook County#24 Harlee Bothum goes to the bench
Crook County#22 Abigail Barker goes to the bench
Crook County#10 Lauren Papke goes to the bench
Crook County#3 TAYLOR Joyce goes to the bench
Madras#30 Alexa Martinez goes to the bench
Madras#15 NOALANI HARRY goes to the bench
Madras#12 SIMYAN DAVID goes to the bench
Madras#11 EMILY KING goes to the bench
Madras#5 NATALIA TEWEE goes to the bench
3rd Quarter
End of 3rd quarter
Madras#30 Alexa Martinez enters the game
Madras#12 SIMYAN DAVID enters the game
Madras#3 THAIISA DIXON goes to the bench
Madras#32 Shantelle Henry goes to the bench
Madras#3 THAIISA DIXON personal foul
1 minute left
Crook County#10 Lauren Papke personal foul
Crook County#10 Lauren Papke made 2pt FG
Crook County#3 TAYLOR Joyce personal foul
2 minutes left
Madras#30 Alexa Martinez goes to the bench
Madras#15 NOALANI HARRY enters the game
Crook County#25 Martina Zandio goes to the bench
Crook County#22 Abigail Barker enters the game
Madras#32 Shantelle Henry made 2pt FG
Crook County#13 McKenzie Jonas goes to the bench
Crook County#24 Harlee Bothum enters the game
Madras#3 THAIISA DIXON made FT 2 of 2
Madras#3 THAIISA DIXON missed FT 1 of 2
Crook County#13 McKenzie Jonas personal foul
Madras#5 NATALIA TEWEE made 2pt FG
Crook County#1 Maggie Ramoss goes to the bench
Crook County#13 McKenzie Jonas enters the game
Madras#12 SIMYAN DAVID goes to the bench
Madras#5 NATALIA TEWEE enters the game
Madras#32 Shantelle Henry made 2pt FG
Crook County#10 Lauren Papke made 2pt FG
Crook County#35 Emma Bates made 2pt FG
Madras#15 NOALANI HARRY goes to the bench
Madras#3 THAIISA DIXON enters the game
Crook County#1 Maggie Ramoss enters the game
Crook County#31 Lakyra Walker goes to the bench
Crook County#13 McKenzie Jonas goes to the bench
Crook County#22 Abigail Barker goes to the bench
Crook County#35 Emma Bates enters the game
Crook County#25 Martina Zandio enters the game
Madras#12 SIMYAN DAVID personal foul
Madras#15 NOALANI HARRY made 3pt FG
Crook CountyCROO full timeout
Madras#32 Shantelle Henry made FT 2 of 2
Madras#32 Shantelle Henry made FT 1 of 2
Madras#33 Amissa Anderson goes to the bench
Madras#30 Alexa Martinez enters the game
Madras#5 NATALIA TEWEE goes to the bench
Madras#11 EMILY KING enters the game
Crook County#31 Lakyra Walker personal foul
Crook County#22 Abigail Barker made 2pt FG
Madras#32 Shantelle Henry made 2pt FG
Madras#15 NOALANI HARRY enters the game
Madras#5 NATALIA TEWEE enters the game
Madras#32 Shantelle Henry enters the game
Madras#12 SIMYAN DAVID enters the game
Madras#33 Amissa Anderson enters the game
Crook County#31 Lakyra Walker enters the game
Crook County#35 Emma Bates goes to the bench
Crook County#22 Abigail Barker made 2pt FG
Crook County#22 Abigail Barker enters the game
Crook County#13 McKenzie Jonas enters the game
Crook County#10 Lauren Papke enters the game
Crook County#3 TAYLOR Joyce enters the game
MadrasMADR possession
Crook County#0 Kylee Erickson goes to the bench
Crook County#22 Abigail Barker goes to the bench
Crook County#13 McKenzie Jonas goes to the bench
Crook County#3 TAYLOR Joyce goes to the bench
Madras#24 Matty Buck goes to the bench
Madras#15 NOALANI HARRY goes to the bench
Madras#12 SIMYAN DAVID goes to the bench
Madras#10 Natalie LOCKEY goes to the bench
Madras#5 NATALIA TEWEE goes to the bench
2nd Quarter
1 minute left
Crook CountyCROO jump ball
Madras#32 Shantelle Henry goes to the bench
Madras#12 SIMYAN DAVID enters the game
Madras#3 THAIISA DIXON goes to the bench
Madras#10 Natalie LOCKEY enters the game
Madras#3 THAIISA DIXON missed FT 1 of 1
Crook County#3 TAYLOR Joyce personal foul
Madras#3 THAIISA DIXON made 2pt FG
2 minutes left
Crook County#35 Emma Bates made 2pt FG
Crook County#35 Emma Bates enters the game
Madras#30 Alexa Martinez goes to the bench
Madras#15 NOALANI HARRY enters the game
Madras#5 NATALIA TEWEE made FT 2 of 2
Madras#5 NATALIA TEWEE made FT 1 of 2
Crook County#13 McKenzie Jonas personal foul
Crook County#13 McKenzie Jonas enters the game
Madras#3 THAIISA DIXON enters the game
Madras#10 Natalie LOCKEY goes to the bench
Crook County#13 McKenzie Jonas goes to the bench
Crook County#1 Maggie Ramoss goes to the bench
Crook County#31 Lakyra Walker goes to the bench
Crook County#13 McKenzie Jonas enters the game
Madras#33 Amissa Anderson goes to the bench
Madras#30 Alexa Martinez enters the game
Madras#12 SIMYAN DAVID goes to the bench
Madras#32 Shantelle Henry personal foul
Madras#32 Shantelle Henry enters the game
Madras#5 NATALIA TEWEE enters the game
Madras#32 Shantelle Henry goes to the bench
Madras#32 Shantelle Henry enters the game
Madras#5 NATALIA TEWEE goes to the bench
Crook County#0 Kylee Erickson made 2pt FG
MadrasMADR jump ball
Crook County#31 Lakyra Walker missed FT 2 of 1 and 1
Crook County#31 Lakyra Walker made FT 1 of 1 and 1
Madras#24 Matty Buck personal foul
Madras#15 NOALANI HARRY goes to the bench
Crook CountyCROO jump ball
Madras#10 Natalie LOCKEY made FT 2 of 2
Madras#10 Natalie LOCKEY missed FT 1 of 2
Crook County#13 McKenzie Jonas goes to the bench
Crook County#1 Maggie Ramoss enters the game
Madras#10 Natalie LOCKEY enters the game
Crook County#0 Kylee Erickson personal foul
MadrasMADR 30 second timeout
Madras#10 Natalie LOCKEY goes to the bench
Madras#32 Shantelle Henry goes to the bench
Madras#33 Amissa Anderson enters the game
Madras#15 NOALANI HARRY enters the game
Madras#32 Shantelle Henry made 2pt FG
Crook County#3 TAYLOR Joyce made 2pt FG
6 minutes left
Madras#10 Natalie LOCKEY personal foul
Madras#24 Matty Buck personal foul
Crook County#0 Kylee Erickson enters the game
Crook County#35 Emma Bates goes to the bench
Crook County#25 Martina Zandio goes to the bench
Crook County#1 Maggie Ramoss goes to the bench
Crook County#0 Kylee Erickson goes to the bench
Crook County#0 Kylee Erickson enters the game
Crook County#22 Abigail Barker enters the game
Crook County#31 Lakyra Walker enters the game
Madras#10 Natalie LOCKEY made FT 2 of 2
Madras#10 Natalie LOCKEY missed FT 1 of 2
Crook County#13 McKenzie Jonas personal foul
MadrasMADR possession
Madras#5 NATALIA TEWEE enters the game
Madras#32 Shantelle Henry enters the game
Madras#12 SIMYAN DAVID enters the game
Madras#15 NOALANI HARRY goes to the bench
Madras#32 Shantelle Henry goes to the bench
Madras#12 SIMYAN DAVID goes to the bench
Madras#5 NATALIA TEWEE goes to the bench
Madras#3 THAIISA DIXON goes to the bench
Madras#24 Matty Buck enters the game
Madras#10 Natalie LOCKEY enters the game
1st Quarter
End of 1st quarter
Crook CountyCROO jump ball
30 seconds left
Madras#15 NOALANI HARRY personal foul
Crook County#25 Martina Zandio missed FT 2 of 2
Crook County#25 Martina Zandio made FT 1 of 2
Madras#3 THAIISA DIXON personal foul
1 minute left
Crook County#10 Lauren Papke goes to the bench
Crook County#3 TAYLOR Joyce enters the game
Crook County#25 Martina Zandio personal foul
Madras#33 Amissa Anderson goes to the bench
Madras#12 SIMYAN DAVID enters the game
Crook County#1 Maggie Ramoss personal foul
2 minutes left
Crook County#35 Emma Bates made 2pt FG
Crook County#25 Martina Zandio made 2pt FG
Madras#5 NATALIA TEWEE missed FT 2 of 2
Madras#5 NATALIA TEWEE missed FT 1 of 2
Crook County#3 TAYLOR Joyce goes to the bench
Crook County#1 Maggie Ramoss enters the game
Crook County#10 Lauren Papke personal foul
Madras#32 Shantelle Henry made 3pt FG
Crook County#22 Abigail Barker goes to the bench
Crook County#35 Emma Bates made FT 2 of 2
Crook County#35 Emma Bates made FT 1 of 2
Madras#12 SIMYAN DAVID goes to the bench
Madras#33 Amissa Anderson enters the game
Madras#12 SIMYAN DAVID personal foul
Crook County#25 Martina Zandio enters the game
Crook County#31 Lakyra Walker goes to the bench
Crook County#35 Emma Bates enters the game
Madras#33 Amissa Anderson goes to the bench
Madras#3 THAIISA DIXON enters the game
Crook County#22 Abigail Barker made 2pt FG
6 minutes left
Madras#15 NOALANI HARRY personal foul
MadrasMADR possession
Crook County#22 Abigail Barker made 2pt FG
MadrasMADR wins the tip
Game Started
Turning Points
4th Quarter
Madras#33 Amissa Anderson made FT 2 of 2
Crook County#25 Martina Zandio made 3pt FG