
4th Quarter
Game over
30 seconds left
Columbia#22 h I made 2pt FG
Columbia#32 f k goes to the bench
Columbia#22 h I enters the game
30 seconds left
Madras#12 Warren Wallulatum made 2pt FG
Madras#42 Osmar Orozco personal foul
Madras#40 Lucius Stevens missed FT 1 of 1
Columbia#22 h I personal foul
Madras#12 Warren Wallulatum made 3pt FG
1 minute left
Madras#12 Warren Wallulatum enters the game
Madras#10 Arthur Miller enters the game
Madras#22 Reagan McCabe goes to the bench
Madras#20 Caleb Shank goes to the bench
MadrasMADR 30 second timeout
2 minutes left
Madras#20 Caleb Shank made FT 2 of 2
Madras#20 Caleb Shank missed FT 1 of 2
Columbia#30 f g personal foul
Madras#24 Eddie Alferez goes to the bench
Madras#22 Reagan McCabe made FT 2 of 2
Madras#22 Reagan McCabe missed FT 1 of 2
Columbia#5 j k personal foul
Madras#20 Caleb Shank made FT 2 of 2
Madras#20 Caleb Shank missed FT 1 of 2
Madras#20 Caleb Shank enters the game
6 minutes left
Columbia#20 a b personal foul
Madras#22 Reagan McCabe made 2pt FG
Madras#30 Orion Wewa goes to the bench
Madras#22 Reagan McCabe enters the game
Madras#32 Dezmond Montiel goes to the bench
Columbia#30 f g personal foul
Columbia#30 f g enters the game
Columbia#30 f g goes to the bench
Madras#32 Dezmond Montiel missed FT 2 of 2
Madras#32 Dezmond Montiel missed FT 1 of 2
Madras#40 Lucius Stevens enters the game
Madras#42 Osmar Orozco enters the game
Madras#44 Ethan Bush goes to the bench
Columbia#20 a b personal foul
Columbia#20 a b enters the game
Columbia#12 f Z goes to the bench
Columbia#30 f g made 2pt FG
Madras#20 Caleb Shank personal foul
Madras#20 Caleb Shank personal foul
Madras#44 Ethan Bush missed FT 1 of 1
Madras#24 Eddie Alferez made 2pt FG
Columbia#32 f k personal foul
Columbia#30 f g made 3pt FG
Madras#44 Ethan Bush made 2pt FG
Columbia#14 y z goes to the bench
Columbia#30 f g enters the game
Madras#25 Dre Plazola made 2pt FG
Madras#24 Eddie Alferez missed FT 1 of 1
Columbia#32 f k enters the game
Columbia#32 f k goes to the bench
Columbia#22 h I personal foul
Madras#44 Ethan Bush made 2pt FG
Madras#25 Dre Plazola personal foul
Columbia#22 h I goes to the bench
Columbia#24 g z goes to the bench
Columbia#20 a b goes to the bench
Columbia#14 y z enters the game
Columbia#32 f k enters the game
Columbia#12 f Z enters the game
Madras#10 Arthur Miller goes to the bench
Madras#44 Ethan Bush enters the game
3rd Quarter
End of 3rd quarter
30 seconds left
Columbia#3 g y made 3pt FG
Madras#24 Eddie Alferez made 2pt FG
Columbia#30 f g goes to the bench
Columbia#22 h I enters the game
Columbia#24 g z enters the game
Columbia#24 g z goes to the bench
1 minute left
ColumbiaCOLU 30 second timeout
Madras#24 Eddie Alferez made 2pt FG
Columbia#3 g y made 3pt FG
Columbia#20 a b made 2pt FG
Columbia#3 g y missed FT 2 of 2
Columbia#3 g y made FT 1 of 2
Columbia#10 d e made FT 2 of 2
Columbia#10 d e missed FT 1 of 2
Madras#40 Lucius Stevens personal foul
Columbia#24 g z enters the game
Columbia#5 j k goes to the bench
Columbia#20 a b enters the game
Madras#42 Osmar Orozco goes to the bench
Madras#24 Eddie Alferez enters the game
Madras#22 Reagan McCabe goes to the bench
Madras#10 Arthur Miller enters the game
Madras#32 Dezmond Montiel enters the game
Madras#40 Lucius Stevens goes to the bench
Columbia#30 f g enters the game
Columbia#3 g y enters the game
Columbia#10 d e enters the game
Columbia#5 j k enters the game
6 minutes left
2 minutes left
30 seconds left
Columbia#10 d e goes to the bench
Columbia#30 f g goes to the bench
Columbia#32 f k goes to the bench
MadrasMADR 30 second timeout
Columbia#4 b c goes to the bench
Columbia#5 j k goes to the bench
Columbia#3 g y goes to the bench
Columbia#4 b c enters the game
Columbia#4 b c goes to the bench
Columbia#20 a b goes to the bench
Columbia#4 b c enters the game
Columbia#12 f Z goes to the bench
Columbia#5 j k made FT 2 of 2
Columbia#5 j k missed FT 1 of 2
Columbia#10 d e enters the game
Columbia#5 j k enters the game
Madras#42 Osmar Orozco personal foul
Madras#22 Reagan McCabe personal foul
6 minutes left
Columbia#3 g y made 3pt FG
Madras#42 Osmar Orozco made FT 2 of 2
Madras#42 Osmar Orozco missed FT 1 of 2
Columbia#4 b c personal foul
Madras#44 Ethan Bush goes to the bench
Madras#42 Osmar Orozco enters the game
Madras#32 Dezmond Montiel goes to the bench
Madras#40 Lucius Stevens enters the game
Madras#30 Orion Wewa enters the game
Madras#12 Warren Wallulatum goes to the bench
Madras#22 Reagan McCabe enters the game
Madras#20 Caleb Shank goes to the bench
Madras#25 Dre Plazola enters the game
Madras#34 Gavin Williams goes to the bench
Madras#20 Caleb Shank personal foul
Madras#12 Warren Wallulatum made 2pt FG
Madras#34 Gavin Williams personal foul
Madras#34 Gavin Williams personal foul
Madras#32 Dezmond Montiel made 2pt FG
Columbia#3 g y made 2pt FG
Columbia#32 f k enters the game
Columbia#12 f Z enters the game
Columbia#20 a b enters the game
Columbia#30 f g enters the game
Columbia#3 g y enters the game
Columbia#4 b c goes to the bench
Columbia#4 b c enters the game
Madras#34 Gavin Williams enters the game
Madras#20 Caleb Shank enters the game
Madras#44 Ethan Bush enters the game
Madras#32 Dezmond Montiel enters the game
Madras#12 Warren Wallulatum enters the game
ColumbiaCOLU jump ball
Columbia#5 j k goes to the bench
Columbia#10 d e goes to the bench
Columbia#14 y z goes to the bench
Columbia#20 a b goes to the bench
Columbia#22 h I goes to the bench
Madras#42 Osmar Orozco goes to the bench
Madras#35 Merrick Towers goes to the bench
Madras#30 Orion Wewa goes to the bench
Madras#24 Eddie Alferez goes to the bench
Madras#10 Arthur Miller goes to the bench
2nd Quarter
Madras#42 Osmar Orozco made 2pt FG
Madras#42 Osmar Orozco personal foul
30 seconds left
Madras#24 Eddie Alferez made 2pt FG
1 minute left
Madras#24 Eddie Alferez made FT 2 of 2
Madras#24 Eddie Alferez missed FT 1 of 2
Columbia#4 b c personal foul
Madras#34 Gavin Williams goes to the bench
Madras#10 Arthur Miller enters the game
Madras#24 Eddie Alferez made FT 2 of 2
Madras#24 Eddie Alferez missed FT 1 of 2
Columbia#5 j k personal foul
Columbia#10 d e made 3pt FG
Columbia#3 g y goes to the bench
2 minutes left
Madras#25 Dre Plazola goes to the bench
Madras#44 Ethan Bush goes to the bench
Madras#35 Merrick Towers enters the game
Madras#24 Eddie Alferez enters the game
Columbia#14 y z personal foul
Columbia#22 h I enters the game
Columbia#14 y z enters the game
Columbia#24 g z goes to the bench
Columbia#30 f g goes to the bench
Columbia#4 b c personal foul
Madras#25 Dre Plazola made 2pt FG
Madras#32 Dezmond Montiel goes to the bench
Madras#44 Ethan Bush enters the game
Madras#40 Lucius Stevens goes to the bench
Madras#42 Osmar Orozco enters the game
Madras#30 Orion Wewa enters the game
Madras#20 Caleb Shank goes to the bench
Columbia#30 f g personal foul
Columbia#30 f g enters the game
Columbia#3 g y personal foul
Columbia#12 f Z goes to the bench
Columbia#5 j k enters the game
Columbia#3 g y made 2pt FG
Columbia#32 f k goes to the bench
Columbia#10 d e enters the game
Madras#34 Gavin Williams enters the game
Madras#12 Warren Wallulatum goes to the bench
Madras#20 Caleb Shank made 2pt FG
Columbia#20 a b made FT 2 of 2
Columbia#20 a b made FT 1 of 2
Madras#40 Lucius Stevens personal foul
6 minutes left
Madras#25 Dre Plazola enters the game
Madras#10 Arthur Miller goes to the bench
Madras#12 Warren Wallulatum personal foul
MadrasMADR jump ball
Columbia#22 h I goes to the bench
Columbia#14 y z goes to the bench
Columbia#4 b c goes to the bench
Columbia#12 f Z enters the game
Columbia#20 a b enters the game
Columbia#32 f k enters the game
Madras#40 Lucius Stevens enters the game
Madras#32 Dezmond Montiel enters the game
Madras#10 Arthur Miller enters the game
Madras#20 Caleb Shank enters the game
Madras#12 Warren Wallulatum enters the game
Madras#40 Lucius Stevens goes to the bench
Madras#35 Merrick Towers goes to the bench
Madras#24 Eddie Alferez goes to the bench
Madras#22 Reagan McCabe goes to the bench
Madras#10 Arthur Miller goes to the bench
1st Quarter
End of 1st quarter
Columbia#14 y z personal foul
30 seconds left
Columbia#10 d e goes to the bench
Columbia#5 j k goes to the bench
Columbia#14 y z enters the game
Columbia#3 g y enters the game
Madras#10 Arthur Miller made 2pt FG
Columbia#22 h I missed FT 2 of 2
Columbia#22 h I made FT 1 of 2
Madras#10 Arthur Miller personal foul
1 minute left
2 minutes left
Madras#40 Lucius Stevens enters the game
Madras#42 Osmar Orozco goes to the bench
Madras#30 Orion Wewa goes to the bench
Madras#10 Arthur Miller enters the game
Columbia#5 j k enters the game
Columbia#10 d e enters the game
Columbia#22 h I enters the game
Columbia#24 g z enters the game
Columbia#4 b c enters the game
Columbia#3 g y goes to the bench
Columbia#32 f k goes to the bench
Columbia#30 f g goes to the bench
Columbia#20 a b goes to the bench
Columbia#10 d e goes to the bench
Columbia#5 j k goes to the bench
Madras#24 Eddie Alferez made 2pt FG
Madras#22 Reagan McCabe missed FT 2 of 2
Madras#22 Reagan McCabe made FT 1 of 2
Columbia#30 f g personal foul
Madras#24 Eddie Alferez made 2pt FG
Madras#24 Eddie Alferez missed FT 1 of 1
Columbia#3 g y enters the game
Columbia#5 j k personal foul
Columbia#3 g y goes to the bench
Columbia#5 j k enters the game
Madras#24 Eddie Alferez made 2pt FG
Madras#30 Orion Wewa made 3pt FG
Columbia#3 g y personal foul
Columbia#12 f Z goes to the bench
Columbia#3 g y enters the game
Columbia#10 d e made 3pt FG
Columbia#3 g y goes to the bench
Columbia#10 d e enters the game
Madras#24 Eddie Alferez made 2pt FG
Madras#35 Merrick Towers enters the game
Madras#32 Dezmond Montiel goes to the bench
ColumbiaCOLU 30 second timeout
Columbia#20 a b personal foul
Madras#44 Ethan Bush goes to the bench
Madras#42 Osmar Orozco enters the game
Madras#32 Dezmond Montiel missed FT 2 of 2
Madras#32 Dezmond Montiel missed FT 1 of 2
Madras#12 Warren Wallulatum goes to the bench
Madras#24 Eddie Alferez enters the game
Columbia#32 f k personal foul
6 minutes left
ColumbiaCOLU jump ball
Madras#22 Reagan McCabe enters the game
Madras#30 Orion Wewa enters the game
Madras#20 Caleb Shank goes to the bench
Madras#34 Gavin Williams goes to the bench
Madras#12 Warren Wallulatum made 2pt FG
Madras#34 Gavin Williams personal foul
MadrasMADR jump ball
MadrasMADR wins the tip
Game Started