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Kawhi Leonard Loses Lawsuit with Nike over "Klaw" Logo Dispute

Kawhi Leonard's complaint with Nike was dismissed by a judge who ruled in favor of the Oregon-based sportswear company.

Throughout his nine-year NBA career, LA Clippers star Kawhi Leonard has established himself as a winner. Already a two-time NBA Champion and Finals MVP, he's become one of the most dominant players in the league. 

But when it comes to his record in legal battles with multibillion-dollar sportswear companies, Leonard is a woeful 0-1. 

According to The Oregonian, Leonard's complaint with Nike regarding his "Klaw" logo has been dismissed, meaning Leonard won't be able to use it on any merchandise moving forward.

Leonard signed an endorsement deal with Nike when he was drafted in 2011, and he remained with the brand until 2018 when he agreed to a contract with New Balance. He had hoped to continue using the logo, but Nike claimed it was its property. 

Nike did admit that the "Klaw" logo was based on a design that Leonard sketched up in 2011, but a judge ruled that it was "new and significantly different" from his original work. 

One of Leonard's lawyers, Peter R. Ginsberg, discussed the outcome and his team's plans with The Oregonian.

"Kawhi put his heart and soul into that design so we are obviously disappointed the judge ruled the logo belongs to Nike and not Kawhi," he said. "We're considering our options to protect Kawhi's interests."

Leonard does have a new logo designed by New Balance, which can be seen on the OMN1S and "The Kawhi", his next signature shoe that will release in Fall 2020. Unless he's able to work something out with Nike, this is most likely the logo he'll use moving forward.