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NBA Reacts to Magic Ron DeSantis Donation: ‘Alarming’

The Orlando Magic is catching heat following the organization's donation to Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis.

ORLANDO - The Orlando Magic's donation to Ron DeSantis' presidential campaign is receiving negative attention across the league.

That reaction comes in official form from the NBPA, the players’ union, which is labeling the support “alarming.”

And on a more personal level, it’s coming from players like New Orleans Pelicans forward Larry Nance Jr.

"So the @OrlandoMagic who have a majority black roster, a black head coach, and a black GM decided it was a good idea to support a man that claims that slavery had personal benefits for the enslaved?" Nance tweeted.

Nance then posted a link to the Washington Post story where DeSantis "doubled down" on his claim that Black people benefitted from slavery.

“They’re probably going to show that some of the folks that eventually parlayed, you know, being a blacksmith into doing things later in life,” DeSantis said in a quote used in the story.

The tweet comes after the Magic was listed as a donor for $50,000 to DeSantis' presidential campaign, which launched in May.

Regardless of one's political views - the Magic's connection to DeSantis comes as no surprise, for two reasons: One, he has governed the state of Florida since 2019. And two, the Magic donation decision was likely driven by team governor Dan DeVos, whose family has been directly involved with the Republican party. His sister-in-law, Betsy DeVos, served as the U.S. Secretary of Education in President Trump's administration.

Nevertheless, the NBPA argues, “A political contribution from the Orlando Magic is alarming given recent comments and policies of its beneficiary. 

"NBA governors, players and personnel have the right to express their personal political views, including through donations and statements. However. if contributions are made on behalf of an entire team, using money earned through the labor of its employees, it is incumbent upon the team governors to consider the diverse values and perspectives of staff and players.

“The Magic’s donation does not represent player support for (DeSantis).”

Retiring Miami Heat forward Udonis Haslem has called out DeSantis for policies that critics say target the Black and LGBTQ communities in the state.

“I happen to live there and I was born there. It’s not my fault,” Haslem told the Boston Globe recently. “We’re not happy about what this man [DeSantis] is doing.”

You can follow Jeremy Brener on Twitter @JeremyBrener.

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