Tom Brady Quitting as 'The Next Troy Aikman'? 'Fake News!' Says $375 Million Future FOX Analyst
FRISCO - When Troy Aikman left Fox Sports for ESPN's "Monday Night Football,'' it left a Sunday afternoon NFL analyst's void. And Fox made an arrangement: Tom Brady, upon his retirement, would get a $375 million deal to eventually take the job.
But now that he's retired and the network's star-in-waiting? Amid rumors that there is a "51-percent" chance he'd walk out on Fox Sports' deal, the former New England Patriots quarterback cleared the air on Instagram.
Responding to a Sports Illustrated post about his apparent hesitance about moving onto Fox, Brady commented "Fake News." ... a term that was of course popularized during the 2016 United States presidential election.
Will Brady's clarification will convince the football-loving public of his future? Any skepticism may stem from the "GOAT's'' own starts and stops regarding his NFL retirement, as there are still those who are not fully sure his playing career is over.
We will say this: It is a daunting task to try to match what 20-year TV vet Aikman does in the booth. And Brady literally has zero experience or public training to suggest he'll be good at it (as Greg Olsen is keeping his seat warm and doing it well). But the 10-year, $375 million contract offered to him by Fox Sports, which would make him the lead color analyst for the network's biggest games, seems almost impossible to walk away from.
New York Post sports media reporter Andrew Marchand has since backed off his "51-percent chance'' take, saying in a follow-up column, "It is my opinion. Yes, informed, but it's my stupid meter, not Brady’s."
Nevertheless, an "informed opinion'' isn't good enough here to avoid being roasted by Brady and his "fake news'' retort.
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