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What They Said:  Crosby, Adams, Jacobs, After Raiders Loss

After the Las Vegas Raiders lost last night on Monday Night Football to the Kansas CIty Chiefs, Maxx Crosby, Davante Adams, and Josh Jacobs spoke.

HENDERSON, Nev.--The Las Vegas Raiders fell to a disappointing 1-4 on the 2022 NFL regular season when they fell 30-29 last night to the Kansas City Chiefs at Arrowhead Stadium.

After the game, Maxx Crosby, Davante Adams, and Josh Jacobs spoke about the loss and we have their entire comments for you.

You can read the entire transcript below:


Q: What goes through your head after a result like this?

CROSBY: “It’s frustrating, obviously. The guys worked their tail off from start to finish. I’ve got nothing but respect for these guys in this locker room. I know they are working their (butts) off. That’s all I can ask for. It’s tough when you have four games that close and don’t come away with the win. We’re going to keep improving and keep working.”

Q: When it comes to these one-score games is there any kind of message you can give your teammates?

CROSBY: “It just comes down to one or two plays. That’s the tough part. We’re getting better and better and that’s inspiring for us. We know we’re getting better, and we see it. We feel it on the field. It’s tough, but you got to take everything with a grain of salt. If we won this game tonight, we’d still be 2-3, and we’d still be going to the bye week. We lost, unfortunately, but we got to get better from the film and keep pushing forward.”

Q: Did you notice any change in the crowd after the roughing the passer call?

CROSBY: “Yeah, they were fired up. That’s what you play for. Coming into a hostile environment, having fans talking crazy to you. That’s what you dream about when you’re a kid. I love it, honestly. I’ll definitely chip back at some fans, but it’s all fun at the end of the day.”


OPENING STATEMENT: “Before I answer anything else, I want to apologize to the guy. There was some guy running off the field and he ran and jumped in front of me. We were coming off the field and I bumped into him and kind of pushed him, and he ended up on the ground. I would like to say I’m sorry to him for that. That was just frustration mixed with running and literally running in front of me. I shouldn’t have responded that way but that’s how I, initially, responded so I want to apologize to him for that.”

Q: What happened on the final play of the game?

ADAMS: “I don’t know. I had a little collision with Hunter [Renfrow] on the left side. I didn’t see anything after I released and got back vertical. We ended up running into each other and that’s all I saw. I don’t even know where the ball went or nothing. I was just on the ground.”

Q: On the play before the last play, it looked like you had a catch. Did you get an explanation on that?

ADAMS: “I don’t want to comment too much on the officiating, but I thought that I was in. They said, once I got possession, when I first touched the ball, the ball was possessed, and it was one hand that ended up coming off and going back on the ball but the ball didn’t move. They showed it a hundred times on the screen and the ball didn't move. I thought that it was a catch, but they looked at it and, obviously, didn’t feel that way. That was beyond me.”

Q: This was another one score loss. How do you turn the train around?

ADAMS: “Stick to the script. It’s frustrating. It would be less frustrating if you don’t have that great of a team, but we have a really good team so it’s frustrating for it to keep happening. We just have to keep on trucking. Keep sticking to what we do and finish out games.”

Q: It looked like the roughing the passing call on Chris Jones seemed to turn the game around for the Chiefs. Did you see it that way?

ADAMS: “I didn’t really see so I don’t really know what happened too much on it but I know the fans weren’t too excited about it.”

Q: Is there a way to put into words the frustration you are feeling right now?

ADAMS: “I try to. It’s tough too because we are right there. It’s not like we are getting blown out and we don’t have answers or playing good football. We just aren’t playing 60 minutes of it. You have games like this where you have the lead and you don’t feel comfortable but having a 10-point lead at halftime it’s not a bad spot to be so you have to find a way to finish them out. It is frustrating.”


Q: With all the offensive output you’ve had, is it reason to be optimistic or frustrating that you haven’t been able to win more games?

JACOBS: “Definitely a combination of both. To know that you are that close, and we know the work we put in. We know how hard we go and the things we want to accomplish this season. It’s bittersweet. You can look at it positively knowing you are right there on the cusp, but right there doesn’t matter if you don’t win. We are trying to find a way to put it together.”

Q: What did you think of the call to go for two points?

JACOBS: “That's what we wanted. We knew we were going to be in that situation. It’s crazy, all week we were talking about third and ones, fourth and ones and the two-point play. We knew we were going to be in that situation. We knew it was going to be a 60-minute game. They just executed on a few critical plays, better than we did.”

Q: Did you know you were short of the goal line or did you think you got in there?

JACOBS: “It was a little bit of pressure in the back. When I got the ball and the safety shot the hole, I knew it was going to be hairy. I really blame myself because I could have reached the ball over. I know we harp on not reaching the ball, but that was a situation where it wouldn’t have mattered if I did so I just that on my shoulders. I could have reached the ball over. I’ll learn from it and try to be better next week.”

Q: Did you want the ball on the last play of the game which was a fourth and one?

JACOBS: “No, the last play of the game was 40 seconds left on the clock. I knew we had to get out of bounds. It would not have made much sense to run the ball there with the time we had and the position we were at on the field. I knew we were going to have to pass, and I knew I was going to have to protect. It was more about execution. It was one of them plays where, if we make that play, the whole game changes. It’s the little plays and the little details.”

The Raiders have a bye week for week six of the NFL season. They return to action in week seven when they host the Houston Texans. That game kicks off at 1:25 PM PT and can be seen on CBS.

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