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Aly Raisman: 'I Lost A Part Of Myself And I'm Getting It Back By Speaking Out'

Aly Raisman is not done speaking out against sexual abuse.

Two-time U.S. Olympic gymnast Aly Raisman is on the cover of the latest issue of PEOPLE Magazine to speak out about moving forward with her life after testifying against former USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar.

Raisman tells PEOPLE that she is now dedicating part of her life to protecting other survivors of sexual abuse. Raisman was one of more than 240 women that have said they were abused by Nassar. He was sentenced to up to 175 years in prison for abusing gymnasts and other athletes at Michigan State under the guise of medical treatment for two decades.

Raisman is calling for an independent investigation of USA Gymnastics, the U.S. Olympic Committee and Michigan State. 

“You never really want to say, ‘I was sexually abused,’ ” she told PEOPLE. “but you have to process it. You can’t push it aside forever, which is what I did for a long time. I’m still processing it and coping with it.”

The new issue of PEOPLE hits newsstands on Friday.